Getting to Know TTLR


Keirsten Hamilton

Keirsten Hamilton is a Staff Member on Vol. 48 of the Texas Tech Law Review and a dual J.D./MBA Candidate for the Class of 2017. She grew up in Groesbeck, Texas and received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and English Literature from Texas A&M University in 2012. Prior to attending law school, Keirsten worked for an oil and gas recruiting firm in Houston. 

Keirsten currently serves as a Property tutor for Professor Alex Pearl. During her 1L summer, she served as an extern for U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy Koenig and a teaching assistant for Dean Jarmon for the law school’s Summer Entry Program. Keirsten’s legal interests include oil and gas law, property law, and corporate law. This summer she will be interning with Harris Finley & Bogle in Fort Worth.

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